Saturday, 20 September 2014


Institute of Business and Information Technology Punjab University Lahore


Effective and efficient organizations have now started seeing themselves as information age organizations. These organizations practice network intelligence as they have seen centralized intelligence and decentralized intelligence causing them more harm than good. Our graduates would provide the necessary impetus to tilt the balance from dynamic uncertain to stable certain dimension. “Institute of Business and Information Technology” (IBIT) is created to fulfill these aspirations and requirements of the business world.
The scope of IBIT’s program is unlimited. The IT tools integrated with modern business practices will generate maximum productivity.


Online Instructions for BBIT (Hons.)
Online Instructions for BBIT (Hons.)
  1. Admission forms, Prospectus, and Challan Form available at IBIT website. Admission forms and Prospectus will not be sold from institute.
  2. Merit calculator for BBIT admission is available on website. Candidates can calculate merit themselves.
  3. Challan form for BBIT (Hons.) (Processing Fee) is also available online. Candidate should print the Challan form, fill in their name and amount and then deposit the amount in the bank.
    BBIT (Hons.) Admission Fee
    Online Admission Form Submission Fee
    Rs. 300/- (Three hundred only)
    In Person/Offline Admission Form Submission Fee
    Rs. 500/- (Five hundred only)
  4. Challan form can be deposited in the Habib Bank Limited (Click here for branches list).
  5. Candidates must read the form carefully and fill in the correct information.
  6. Academic scores must be correct and verifiable.
  7. Admission forms complete in every respect will be considered for admission.
  8. For submission of online application, an automatically generated application number will be issued to the candidates to update their application as and when required before the closing date of submitting the application.
  9. Candidates submitting their applications online should submit Challan form in person or through courier before the stipulated date for the submission of application for admission to the Incharge Admission BBIT (Hons.).
  10. Only those applications will be processed against which Challan form after deposit of processing fee is submitted.
  11. Original result cards/certificates/degrees are to be shown at the time of admission. Otherwise, institute reserves the right to cancel the admission.
  12. No provisional result cards will be accepted at the time of admission.
  13. In case of any discrepancy, institute reserves the right to cancel the admission.
  14. Candidates applying for reserve seats such as Sports etc. should clearly mention on their application form.
  15. All applications received will be considered for Admission in Morning and Afternoon Session, unless and until candidate specifically mentions for any specific session only and clearly mentions on his/her form.
  16. Hostel facility may be available for morning session only.
  17. Candidates will be responsible to provide equivalence certificate, if required.
  18. IBIT teaching timings are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Monday-Friday) for both sessions.
Submission of Application Form by Candidates:

 Option One (Online)
  1. Candidates can fill the admission form and submit it online.
  2. Print the deposit slip, Fill in his/her particulars and deposit the amount in the Bank and send the challan form, copy of CNIC and any equivalent certificate, if applicable through courier to Admission Incharge BBIT (Hons.), and also mention the admission form number (generated by the system) in the Challan form. No other documents are required to be submitted along with the Challan form. Original documents will be received from selected candidates only.
  3. Candidate should also mention System generated Admission form No. on the envelop being sent through courier.
  4. Candidates applying for BBIT (Hons.) having education equivalent to intermediate should submit equivalence certificate from concerned authorities.
  5. (Candidate will be responsible for the wrong entry of marks or any other information).
  Option Two (Offline through courier)
  1. Download the admission form and Challan Form.
  2. Deposit the amount in the Bank and send duly filled Admission Form, Challan Form, copy of the CNIC and any equivalent certificate, if applicable, through courier to the Admission Incharge BBIT (Hons.). (Candidates are responsible to provide equivalence certificates, if required). No other documents are required to be submitted along with the Challan form. Original documents will be accepted from selected candidates only.
  3. Candidate should mention program name BBIT (Hons.) on the envelop being sent through courier.
  4. Department will enter the Form Number on the website against the name of the candidate and the same will be used for future reference by the candidate.
  5. (Candidate will be responsible for the wrong information).
  6. Candidates applying for BBIT (Hons.) having education equivalent to intermediate should submit equivalence certificate from concerned authorities.
  7. Complete mailing address of IBIT is as follows:
Ms. Shamaila Gull
Incharge Admission BBIT (Hons)
Institute of Business and Information Technology
University of the Punjab
Quaid-e-Azam Campus, Lahore.
Phone: (042) 99230825-6 Ext: 109
Option Three (Offline In-person)
  1. Download the admission form and Challan Form.
  2. Deposit the amount in the Bank and send duly filled Admission Form, Challan Form, copy of the ID card and any equivalent certificate, if applicable, in person in the office of IBIT from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. before the stipulated date for submission of applications. No other documents are required to be submitted along with the Challan form. Original documents will be accepted from selected candidates only.
  3. Form No. will be issued to the candidate at the time of submission of application by the IBIT staff which will be used for any future reference. The same number will also be entered on the website and available to the candidate online.
  4. Candidates applying for BBIT (Hons.) having education equivalent to intermediate should submit equivalence certificate from concerned authorities.
  5. (Candidates will be responsible for the wrong information).

Last date for submission of Application.

September 20, 2014 Saturday, is the Last date for receipt of Applications. All applications received by the close of day (before 4:00 p.m.) will be considered for Admission.

Revised Admission Schedule – Fall 2014
Revised Admission Schedule – Fall 2014
Advertisement for AdmissionAugust 31, 2014 – Sunday
September 07, 2014 – Sunday
Admission forms will be received online and through courier and in person. No sale of forms and prospectus from Institute.September 11, 2014 – Thursday
Last date for receipt of Applications. All applications must be received by the close of day.Sept. 20, 2014 – Saturday (4:00 p.m.)
  1st   Merit List
Last date for submission of Challan Form in IBIT after deposit of fee in Bank (during banking hours) along with the original documents.
September 27, 2014 – Saturday (12:00 Noon)
September 30, 2014 – Tuesday
  2nd  Merit List
Last date for submission of Challan Form in IBIT after deposit of fee in Bank (during banking hours) along with the original documents.
October 01, 2014 – Wednesday(8:00 a.m.)
October 03, 2014 – Friday
  3rd  Merit List
Last date for submission of Challan Form in IBIT after deposit of fee in Bank (during banking hours) along with the original documents.
October 04, 2014 – Saturday (8:00 a.m.)
October 15, 2014 – Wednesday
  4th & Final  Merit List
Last date for submission of Challan Form in IBIT after deposit of fee in Bank (during banking hours) along with the original documents.
October 16, 2014 – Thursday (8:00 a.m.)
October 17, 2014 – Friday
Commencement of ClassesOctober 20, 2014 – Monday

1. No Entry Test for BBIT (Hons.) Prorgram.
2. Candidate having their names in merit lists and not submitting required  documents and deposit Challan
before stipulated time will not be considered.
3. Prospectus, Admission Form and Challan Forms can be downloaded from IBIT website: Applications can be submitted online, through courier or in person in the office of IBIT between 9:00 a.m. till 4:00 p.m. (Monday – Thursday) and between 9:00 a.m till 1.00p.m on Friday, during the above mentioned dates.

               APPLY ONLINE HERE

M Ehsaan Web Developer

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